Monday, April 13, 2009

The Remonstrance of Romance

First of all, for those who don't know what remonstrance means, it means to point out in complaint or protest. Now I can get on with the rest of my blog...

I have nothing whatsoever against love. I'm not one of those hate-the-world-and-let-the-world-hate-me type of people. Romance, though, is a different story. Sometimes, I think romance can get in the way of love, although a little romance never hurt anyone, right? But if you take it too extremely, it can cause problems. For instance, when little elementary and middle school kids are "dating" each other and then break up the next week, and it's the end of the world! The culture of today has so engrained "romance" into their minds that even at such an early age they feel enslaved to it. But maybe I'm over-reacting. Sometimes I do, you know.

Even when you're older, too much "romance" and not enough "tough love" can cause issues. Some adults take too much care to make their significant other feel good that when the going gets tough and you might have to say something that hurts the other's feelings but will better their character, they can't do it. Then, emotions get high and the tension tightens and well... you end the story yourself. Do you see what I mean though? (By the way, I'm writing to all you followers out there! What all 2 of you, I guess?)

Anyway, there are many people who have no problem with "loving" more than one person. I don't think that's true, though, to a certain extent. I think you can like many people at once. And I think you can love many people at once: family, very close friends, so on and so forth. But I also think there is a special kind of love reserved for your one significant other and that when you meet that significant other, you'll feel that special love. I happen to be religious and believe that God has a certain other person designed just for you. But hey, that's just my views on the subject.

Good-bye for now those who follow! (Can you tell I'm excited about the followers thing?)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sanity vs. Insanity and Hypocrites

So I was very bored and decided to come back and post again. It's rather lonely sometimes being an only child and what-not.

Ok, I'm going to catch all of you followers up on what I've been doing lately. If you don't know this, you can search through Blogger for random blogs. Doing so, I found this blog called Cellar Door. Interesting to read, but only if you read the comments as well. I'd say middle school or high school drama probably. I checked back this afternoon, but the author had deleted the blog. Anyway, the author made some very interesting points in some of his blogs. One of his points was that most people are hypocrites. I think I'm on the fence with this, however. It's not necessarily that they're hypocrites...just confused with who they are supposed to be. Some people believe in "destiny" which conflicts with who they would truly like to be so they come off as a hypocritical type of person. I could be wrong. That's just how I view it.

So, follower(s), whoever comes across this blog, that was one of the times that I make sense of the world. I try to insert sanity into everyday life as best I can. Despite my efforts, however, insanity still rules. One can only do so much. To make insanity work in my favor at times, I cause the insanity. The one time I dressed my dog in a sweater for example. Don't you feel bad for those poor little creatures in their woolen sweaters? Especially in Florida.

Well, that's all for now, I suppose. If I come across another discovery of sanity or insanity that I find of interest, I will most likely post it for the sake of things. It helps differentiate between the two to write it out, I think.


So, erm, apparantly I have a follower. I haven't had a follower before. This will be a new experience. Since this is my first post on my blog, I guess there's not much to follow right now. But for the sake of those who are following, I suppose I will continue to post so that they have something to follow. Be forewarned, however, some posts will make very little sense if they make sense at all. I have been known to be quite ridiculous at times, but when I'm in the mood, I can make profound statements. So farewell for now, those who follow this blog. I shall return at a later date to continue.